291 Moo 2 - Sanpakwan - 50230 Chiang Mai - Hand Dong District - Thailand
Our Racing Bike Driver Andrea:
- 48 years, most about 36.000 km/Year
- stay here like holyday since 17 years,
- he really know every corner arround Chiang Mai, speaking also Thai and will be availible for heavy long tours also with surpricing locations
- Cycle Experiance:
- 02.02.2008 (2551): 257 km Race - Saraburi to Petchaburi - 1. Place (40-49) of 45 - 5. Place (all) of 100
- 12.08.2007 (2550) - Road Race 20 km - 1. Place (41-50)
- 06.-09.04.2007 (2550): - 'Anti Drugs Tour' -
Chom Burg - Kanchanaburi, Kanchanaburi - Sri Sawat, Sri Nagarind Dam - Kanchanaburi;
- 9. Place (open) - 30.04.-03.05.2006 (2549): Tour de EGAT - 3. Place (40-49) - 1. Place (3.5., senior 40-48) - 4. Place (2.5. Runner Up, senior 40-48)
- 16.10.2005 (2548): Chiang Rai - 'Doi Tung' (Hill Race) - 1. Place (30+)
- 27.-28.08.2005 (2548): International MTB-Race - 1. Place flat (40-49) - 5. Place hill (40-49)
- 27.03.2005 (2548): - 4. Place (senior 40-49)
- 20.02.2005 (2548): 'Team Time Trial' Cycling Promotion Association - Roadracing 40 km - 2. Place (all) - 1. Place (40-49)
- 21.-24.04.2004 (2547): Tour of EGAT
Supan Buri - Kanachanaburi, Kanchanaburi - Sri Sawat, Sri Sawat - Kajiralongkam Dam, Kajiralongkam Dam - Three Pagoda Pass;
- 1. Place (40-49) - 06.-09.04.2004 (2547): - 'Anti Drugs Tour'
- 12. Place - Nr. 43 - Andreas Quarnta - Team Chiangkhong +30:23 - 2004 (2547): Tour de EGAT - 15. Place (open)
- 2004 (2547): 'Rayong King Cup' - 1. Place (all) Foto
- Bilder soweit verfügbar ...
- Siegerehrung Rayong 'King's Cup' 2004:
raymond see
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